Groundnut Oil

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Groundnut Oil

Agrocrops, a trusted name for groundnut oil exporter, we can source its premium oil from diverse origins: the United States, Africa, Brazil, and India. Our non-GMO oil is available in various packaging options, from retail packs to industrial containers like steel drums, flexitanks, and ISO tanks. Choose from a range of groundnut oil forms, including natural and filtered cold-pressed variants, as well as natural and refined hot-pressed options. With Agrocrops, groundnut oil exporter gain access to exceptional quality and global variety.

We sell oil in several forms: natural (or “crude”) cold-pressed groundnut oil, filtered cold-pressed oil, natural hot-pressed oil, and refined hot-pressed oil.

For any astute Groundnut oil exporter, our offering presents a remarkable choice. Adhering rigorously to the CODEX standard, we exclusively source and cold-press the finest peanuts for our oil. Employing a chemical-free machining process, we vigilantly monitor and stabilize oil temperatures. Our natural and filtered cold-pressed oils, both classified as fresh peanut oil, ensure aflatoxin-free purity. As a trusted option for Groundnut oil exporter, we provide a product that aligns with stringent quality and safety criteria, meeting your discerning requirements with excellence.

Our aromatic cold-pressed oil is ideal for gourmet applications, giving any food product a deliciously rich nutty flavour.

Our expeller systems extract oil following a more conventional process for hot-pressed groundnut oil, producing both crude and refined products. The FFA of our supply ranges from 0.5% to 2%, with aflatoxin levels ranging from 4 PPB to 15 PPB.

Why Choose Agrocrops as Your Groundnut Oil Exporter?

Chemical-free process

Our peanut oil is chemical free, which means there is no bleaching of the product and no chemical refining process.

0% blending

We don’t blend our groundnut oil with other common oils such as cottonseed oil or castor oil, so you’re only getting a premium peanut product.

Aromatic oil

Our aromatic groundnut oil is produced with a high pyrazine content, resulting in a high aroma and flavour profile – making it ideal for baking.

Crude, filtered, or refined

We manufacture all three grades of peanut oil, without using chemical treatment anywhere in the process.

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Published on 01/09/2022 in Peanut Post

Frugal purchasers evaluate alternative origins to satisfy demand in an inflationary situation. The cost (loss) of doing a deal is higher than its profit. Indonesia shifted its demand to Sudan & Mozambique from India.

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