

An ounce of information

Are peanuts the forgotten superfood?

Article by Pnut King

Are peanuts the forgotten superfood?

Published on 07/07/2023 in Peanut Science

Peanuts are nutrient-dense and can deliver high-quality, superfood-level health benefits in small doses.

When you hear the term “superfood”, you would be forgiven for immediately thinking of the usual suspects: blueberries, goji berries, spinach, kale – all of the everyday superfoods we often hear about.

But what about peanuts?

Peanuts are nutrient-dense and can deliver high-quality, superfood-level health benefits in small doses.

For example, let’s compare peanuts to kale.

You would have to eat around six times as much kale to get the same level of protein contained in one serving of peanuts – and about eight times as much for the same level of niacin.

In fact, one serving of peanuts – which is around 35 peanuts – contains:

A high level of fibre. Which can contribute to lower levels of LDL cholesterol.

Healthy fats. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats within peanuts help to decrease LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.

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Seven grams of protein. Which helps you to feel full and fuels your body.

19 different types of vitamins and minerals. Including vitamin E, folic acid, magnesium, and potassium.

Bioactive compounds. Such as polyphenols and phytosterols which can help to reduce cardiovascular disease and the risk of cancer.

Find out more about the power of peanuts here: Product page

Pnut King
Pnut King

With over 17 years of experience in the peanut industry and numerous awards recognising his contributions, he founded Agrocrops in 2008, a leading global peanut company. His passion for peanuts drives his commitment to improving the industry for all stakeholders and promoting sustainability.

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